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Sponsorship Opportunities

On behalf of the Fat Free Foundation, I am seeking your support of our vital 501(c)(3) organization which exists to combat the negative trend of obesity and disordered eating that have become so pervasive in the United States.

On February 2019 I received the worst news of my life. My cardiologist told me that I had 2 years to live. My obesity, my emotional obsession with food, and binge eating were killing me.

I was 38 years old and weighed 431 Pounds. I had to wear a respirator to sleep because I stopped breathing more than 100 times a night. I couldn’t walk, tie my shoes, or even shower. By then my son was 4 years old and I thought I would never see him grow up.

In just 20 months I went from nearly dying to losing 222 pounds, gaining muscle, and winning 3 consecutive Bodybuilding Transformation Competitions in the WBFF. I qualified and competed in “WORLDS” which is a global competition in Las Vegas in August 2021 and I was the WORLD CHAMPION of Transformation

I have appeared on a YouTube and Snapchat series called “Brand New Me”, “Flaco, Fuerte y Feliz Show” with Sabrina Hernández, who is the dietitian for “Nuestra Belleza Latina” for Univisión, Men’s Health magazine, and was a guest speaker at Parker University in Dallas, TX. They invited me to talk about my story and motivate others to succeed. Finally, I appeared in several magazines, Fit & Firm and Status Fitness which is the largest Fitness magazine in the USA and Canada.

I have appeared several times in for Body Transformation and Greatest Motivations and Inspirations of 2020.

I have contributed to the following many podcasts around the world.

I have also been invited to talk and motivate many weight loss surgery patients to lose weight in one of Miami’s top hospitals known as Jackson South.

I want to show the world that you can’t ever give up and always know that you can achieve whatever you want no matter what it is.
I formed the Fat Free Foundation as an avenue through which to educate, motivate, and inspire children and adults to overcome their battles with food and body image and become healthy, happy, and productive.

The mission of
Fat Free Foundation

is to combat the epidemic of obesity through education, physical activities, and support.


The Disordered Eating Crisis in America

In our culture, we are bombarded by daily images of perfect models on magazine covers and overly-thin actresses on TV and overwhelmed by stressful living. External success is valued over authentic happiness, and industries get fat financially as a result. It’s no wonder we are seeing the biggest rise in the most insidious causes of death today- disordered eating habits.

On the one hand, we have an obesity epidemic. According to the CDC, about one-third of U.S. adults (33.8 percent) are obese. Approximately 17 percent (or 12.5 million) of children and adolescents aged 2 to 19 are also obese. As a result, an estimated 300,000 deaths per year are attributable to obesity. On the other hand, we have an eating disorder crisis. An estimated 24 million people of all ages suffer from anorexia, bulimia or binge eating disorders in the U.S. In fact, a young woman with anorexia is 12 times more likely to die than other women her age without anorexia. (The Renfrew Center Foundation for Eating Disorders, 2003).

Disordered eating arises from a variety of physical, emotional, and social issues, all of which need to be addressed for effective treatment. The use or avoidance of food as a coping mechanism ultimately leads to illness and emotional distress, affecting the majority of the U.S. population. We overeat because we are unhappy with ourselves or want to feel a sense of comfort or control in our lives. We avoid eating or eat and then purge because we feel we cannot measure up to the ideal body image. We choose unhealthy convenience foods to avoid the planning or time commitment needed for authentic care of the body.

It all boils down to a state of being that we are trying to achieve through food. We are a culture of people who do not love ourselves enough to live well nor accept ourselves enough to eat for our individual body types, shapes or chemistry — and industries profit from these insecurities. The food industry feeds us processed, packaged, pesticide-laced food to make life “easier.” The advertising industry constantly reminds us how unacceptable we are so that we’ll purchase products. The entertainment industry feeds us fantasies to escape our unhappy lives and false notions that fame and fortune lead to happiness.

Offering Healing and Support

In order to heal the obesity, eating disorders and disordered eating crises in America, we need to shift our attitudes and our choices. Through education, outreach, and support, Fat Free Foundation encourages children and adults to:

  • Take time to understand their emotions, adopt empowering ways to resolve conflicts and reduce the stress in their life.
  • Choose to nurture a deep respect and acceptance for their body. From this place, people will feel motivated to practice body benevolence: to discover what is good for their body and then choose accordingly.
  • Change how they relate to those among us who are obese or anorexic, casting judgement aside and finding ways to love these individuals through the resolution of the pain they are trying to escape.

Our overarching goal is to say “NO MORE” to the industries that feed us fattening, nutrition-stripped foods, and those that play on our vulnerabilities to get us to spend money to “feel good.”

Why Partner with Fat Free Foundation?

Fat Free Foundation collaborates with people and organizations, public and private, in order to achieve measurable outcomes that will build brighter futures for the children and families we serve. We are currently seeking partners to support our efforts to help obese children and adults overcome eating problems. With your help, we will help those struggling with obesity to learn to make healthier food choices, understand the importance of exercise, and access psychological health resources to overcome food-related disorders.

Won’t you please consider making a financial contribution to support our efforts to create healthier futures for deserving Florida families?

Thank you in advance for considering and supporting our efforts. Please make checks payable to Fat Free Foundation, Inc. To make a payment using a major credit card, please visit our website. If you would like more details about our program, please feel free to contact us anytime.


Jeancarlo Danies, President and Founder

Fat Free Foundation, Inc.
