Take advantage of the extended enrollment period ending on August 15, 2021!

In response to the COVID-19 public health emergency, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has extended the Special Enrollment Period until August 15, 2021. This will allow those enrolling for the first time and current participants, an additional three months to make any changes to their existing plan or enroll in a new policy. In addition, you will be able to review increased tax credits that may help reduce premiums.

The great news is some can expect to see savings that could decrease premiums by up to $50 per individual and $85 per policy per month. There may be enrollees who can upgrade to a higher plan with lower out-of-pocket cost, without an increase in premium. Plan coverages can start as soon as the first month after choosing or changing your policy.

As of July, those individuals who received or are set to receive unemployment benefits anytime during 2021, may see additional savings when they enroll or make changes to their coverage.

Make sure you do not miss the opportunity to re-evaluate or enroll in a new plan! As always, if you have any questions or need further information, please contact me.

popdevteamTake advantage of the extended enrollment period ending on August 15, 2021!
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Get an edge! Work with an Independent Health Insurance Agent

Whether you are shopping for new health insurance or making changes to your current plan, I understand this process can be overwhelming. Especially, when doing it on your own. Working with an Independent health insurance agent can help ease those worries by assisting you in making the right choices. As independent licensed experts, we are not limited to one specific insurance company, giving us the ability to offer options from multiple companies. This benefit comes without the need of paying more for our services or any extra fee. Personally, I pride myself in helping my customers make the right choice for their budget and coverage needs. A good agent will be there during the whole process of selecting an insurance plan and after. We help you reevaluate your insurance needs every year and help you make coverage changes during life changing events like getting married, having a baby or transitioning to Medicare.

Things to think about before choosing an Independent Health Insurance Agent:

  • Where are they licensed? It is important to ask your agent if they are licensed in your state.
  • What companies do they work with? You want to make sure your agent has different coverage options to choose.
  • What kind of experience do they have? Your agent should be focused on aligning your benefit plan options with your medical and financial needs. They must ensure your plans are compliant with federal and state laws.
  • Are they easy to get in touch with? Your agent should be available and easy to reach. If they are unavailable, they should return your calls or messages promptly.

When working with an independent health insurance agent you should expect a personalized experience. Your agent should not make you feel rushed or pressured into making decisions. You should feel like there is a mutual understanding and they are guiding you towards the right choices. Remember your health is important and selecting the right insurance agent can make all the difference for you. Get an edge! Work with an Independent Health Insurance Agent.

popdevteamGet an edge! Work with an Independent Health Insurance Agent
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